Whatever the Test, Exam or Assessment you are training for here are a few ‘Top Tips’ to help you feel more confident on the day and have a better understanding of why we do what we do.

‘The BHS Way’
There isn’t a ‘BHS way’ but what there is is a safe and efficient way.  There are techniques to learn and probably these are not skills you use on a day to day basis as you may have adapted techniques to try to become more efficient.

Let me explain what I mean…

For example, tacking up.  This is something we are doing everyday, often multiple times a day.
For the assessment the procedure goes along the lines of – push the horse back from the door, go in, shut the door behind you , headcollar on and tie the horse up.  Skip out and take out any empty feed bowls, hay nets etc.
Boots on first.
Undo (fully) and fold back rug or take off if warm enough.  Martingale on, saddle cloth and saddle on.
Bridle on last – ready to go or tie up again if not actually going anywhere!
Skip out again if needed.
All the time not going round the back of the horse and making sure you keep hold of him when he’s not tied up.

On a day to day basis we may well catch the horse with the bridle and not have him tied up at all, the door open and the martingale is still attached to the reins anyway!

I often hear people say ‘Well if we did it the ‘BHS Way’ we would never get everything done in time…’
However you do need to be able to understand and carry out, comfortably, the correct techniques for when you are faced with horses that are somewhat less co-operative and need more structured handling.
As you progress up the training ladder you will become more competent at reading the signs and be able to work with a whole range of different horses.
If you actually tack up in the ‘correct way’ you will actually become more efficient and when you take an exam or assessment you don’t have to think about it as it all just comes naturally…win win!