Exam Techniques

Whatever the Test, Exam or Assessment you are training for here are a few ‘Top Tips’ to help you feel more confident on the day and have a better understanding of why we do what we do. ‘The BHS Way’ There isn’t a ‘BHS way’ but what there is is a safe and […]
What makes a ‘Good Coach’?

I have been on many training days – and indeed held many training days – where this is the first question asked. We are then given 10 or so minutes to write down, in our groups, what attributes we think a ‘Good Coach’ needs. Usually the answers go along the lines of:- Good sense of […]
November 2023

November started with a mini break to see the family and friends up in Norfolk I love having some time out and catching up with everyone! Once back in Essex it was super exciting to crack on with my online BHS Stage 4 training. This course runs for 6 weeks and has BHS approval […]