Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding is how we help everyone at Jane Jarvis Coaching stay safe both online and offline. We follow the same offline and online, but recognise that some types of harm can happen only, or mostly, online.

This policy sets out our commitment to safeguarding and the different types of online harms, our expectations, and how we help our members, volunteers and activities stay safe online.

This policy applies to Jane Jarvis Coaching staff whether permanent, fixed term or contracted. It covers all Jane Jarvis Coaching activities at any level which take place online. These include:

It also applies to everyone who uses our websites, digital platforms and social media. It applies in the UK and for British Overseas Territories.


Policy statement

Jane Jarvis Coaching’s commitment to digital safeguarding

We’re committed to safeguarding everyone at Jane Jarvis Coaching. This includes people who use our digital services and social media channels.

We follow the same safeguarding principles for Jane Jarvis Coaching’s activities offline and online.

We recognise and respond to digital safeguarding concerns including but not limited to:

We don’t have to be certain about a concern, so if you think someone is at risk of any of these harms, and if in doubt, it will be reported.


Jane Jarvis Coaching expects all adult members and staff to:

How Jane Jarvis Coaching helps  members, staff and activities stay safe online